Grassroots donors like you are the backbone of this campaign. The 19th district and Nashville needs and deserve someone who is going to stand up and fight, but also someone who is willing and capable of bringing people to the table in order to work toward solutions. Your contribution will help this campaign usher in a new era of prosperity, energy, leadership, and ideas for Nashville.
Help Jasper win on August 3rd by making a contribution now!
All contributions are welcome and appreciated. Contribution limits are listed below:
Business ($1,800) - If you want to give more from your business account if you are an LLC, partnership, or sole-proprietorship.
Individual Person ($1,800)
Political Action Committee ($9,400) - Political campaign committees established, financed, maintained, or controlled by any corporation, labor organization, or any other person, including any parent, subsidiary, branch, division, department, or local unit of such corporation, labor organization, or any other person, or by any group of such persons.
Political Party PAC ($38,300) - Political Party PACs include those committees controlled by a political party on the national, state, or local level and caucuses of a political party established by members of either house of the General Assembly.
Click here to see TN finance guidance
If you have additional questions please email:
[email protected]
If you would like to send a check, our address is:
Friends of Jasper Hendricks
908 Division Street #1414
Nashville, TN 37203